Sheathless PV

Everything desired in a guiding catheter

Trackability and lumen maintenance are two of the most important features of a peripheral intervention guide catheter, allowing you to advance the guide catheter to the lesion site and deliver the therapeutic device even through tortuous vessels.


Catégorie :


Shape Catalog No. Usable length Dilator compatibility
Usable length

W8ST00-0-V055 55cm 60cm
W8ST00-0-V090 90cm 95cm
W8ST00-0-V120 120cm 125cm

W8RD00-0-V055 55cm 60cm
Angled 45°

W8AN45-0-V055 55cm 60cm
W8AN45-0-V090 90cm 95cm
W8AN45-0-V120 120cm 125cm