
High quality diagnostic catheter that provides reliable kink-free passage of tortuous anatomy and calcified lesions while keeping optimal torque control in the coronary arteries.

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PendraCare has developed a high quality diagnostic catheter that provides reliable kink-free passage of tortuous anatomy and calcified lesions while keeping optimal torque control in the coronary arteries.

Key performance characteristics of the Pointer are:

low resitance due to unique hydrodynamic surface

A unique catheter surface pattern, recently introduced on F6 and soon available on F4 and F5, results in very low friction. Physicans compare its performance to catheters coated with a hydrophilic layer.

large inner lumen

Our 5F catheter has the largest inner lumen on the market and other sizes are comparable to major competitors. This guarantees easy and complete contrast filling for optimal vessel opacification.

superior kink resistance and 1-to-1 torque

The Pointer catheter has double wire stainless steel braiding, giving it extremely low kink resistance and a very diect torque transfer from grip to tip. Curvatures with diameters below 2.5cm can be achieved making it ideal for radial procedures.

atraumatic soft tip

An atraumatic soft tip ensures an easy catheter introduction and reduces the probability for vessel damage and disection.

The catheter was launched in 2008 under OEM and PendraCare Pointer brands and produced in PendraCare’s production facility in the Netherlands. It is CE certified and sold globally in 4F, 5F and 6F sizes.